
CWAS-Plus: A new version of Category-Wide Association Study

A new Python package runs category-wide association study with better user-interface. Now you can use this with pip install!

CWAS: Category-Wide Association Study

The Cython wrapper script runs category-wide association study presented in An et al. (2018) Science. This is an Amazon Machine Images (AMI) on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud Computing Services.

De novo Risk Score and Annotation Clustering

This repository contains R scripts for risk score analysis and annotation clustering in An et al. (2018) Science.

CatBurden: Category-based burden test

The R/Python wrapper script includes commands for the category-based burden test and the first edition of CWAS in the Werling et al. (2018) Nature Genetics. The scripts and materials are distributed in AMI (ID: ami-1eefb064) and you can deploy the workflow using AWS. We recommend using the 100 Gib size EBS and the EC2 instance type m4.large or m4.xlarge.

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