Soowhee Kim

Graduate Student


Soowhee is a highly motivated researcher with a keen interest in understanding the sex-bias in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) through genomic analysis and systems biology. She is currently engaged in a research project that involves the analysis of whole-genome sequencing data of ASD families in Korea. Soowhee’s primary focus is on identifying the genetic mechanisms underlying ASD sex bias and developing a prediction model for ASD comorbidity based on this finding.

Soowhee’s research efforts represent a significant contribution to the growing body of knowledge on the genetic and molecular underpinnings of ASD. By leveraging the power of single-cell RNA sequencing technology, she aims to gain a deeper understanding of the female or male specific neurobiology of ASD. Her research on ASD sex bias has the potential to shed light on previously unknown aspects of ASD, with implications for the development of novel diagnostic and intervention strategies.

Education & Training

  • 2023-present Ph.D. Student, Department of Integrated Biomedical and Life Science, Korea University
  • 2021-2022 M.S. Student, Department of Integrated Biomedical and Life Science, Korea University
  • 2016-2020 B.Sc. in Biosystem and Biomedical Sciences, Korea University


  • Sex-difference in autism spectrum disorder, in preparation
  • Risk variants could inform early neurodevelopmental outcome in children with developmental disabilities, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders (2022)
  • Ferroptosis-related genes in neurodevelopment and central nervous system, Biology (2021)


  • 2023 Sochun Awards for the best talk at the 12th COSMOS Symposium
  • 2023 Early Career Investigator Program Award Recipients, World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics